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Postdoctoral Training Opportunities

Several projects are available for postdoctoral trainees with a background in molecular cell biology, bioinformatics and / or neuroscience who seek to join our friendly and cohesive lab within UW-Madison’s renowned Glaucoma Research Group. Please see our Research pages for examples of some of the projects currently ongoing in our lab.

Qualifications Required

  • PhD in an appropriate field (see above)
  • Strong references from previous and current mentors
  • Appropriate publications track record
  • Ability to work well in a team

Please contact Dr. McLellan by email and provide a copy of current biosketch / CV; a list of referrees, and a letter of intent that clearly articulates your interests and career goals.

Student Research Opportunities

Several projects are available for students interested in pursuing careers in optometry, veterinary medicine, medicine or graduate studies. Projects in the lab provide the opportunity to develop skills related to vision and neuroscience, that involve a range of research experiences, from studies of protein expression in eye tissues to acquisition of clinical measurements in veterinary patients.  There are opportunities for independent research projects and hourly employment (students eligible for work study are encouraged to apply).

Qualifications Required

  • Students eligible for work-study are preferred. Students with GPA of 3.0 or above preferred.
  • Students interested in staying with lab for at least 1 year and able to commit at least 6 hours /week are preferred (due to extent of training required, we seldom recruit senior students to the lab).
  • Those competent in use of MS Excel preferred but training can be given in use of Excel and basic statistical software and image analysis software.

Please contact Dr. McLellan by email and provide a copy of current resume and information on your interests and career goals.

Research tasks to be performed by undergraduate and veterinary students in our lab provide an opportunity to gain a broad range of transferable lab skills including:

  • Immunofluorescent labeling, Western blotting, ELISAs, solution preparation, microscopy, and retina and optic nerve morphometry, virus isolation and basic cell culture

Students interested in careers in clinical veterinary medicine, medicine or optometry will have the opportunity to learn how to analyze data from retina and optic nerve scans; intraocular pressure and blood pressure measurement and to assist with electroretinography.

Students in our lab typically work on research projects for a minimum of 4-6 hours per week for credit, with the potential to be retained as paid laboratory research assistants in subsequent semesters.  Students conducting research projects are expected to present their work at research symposia on campus and are often listed as co-authors of published research papers when appropriate.

Veterinary Student Research Opportunities

Veterinary Students have the opportunity to be involved in our research program as Summer Research Scholars, in a DVM/MS or DVM/PhD program, or through directed study opportunities in their senior year. Pictured here 2019 Summer Scholar, Monica Kim  (front row, second from left) had the opportunity to present her work at the National Veterinary Scholars Symposium in Worcester, MA.