Learn more about McLellan lab research, profiled in the summer issue of the McPherson Eye Research Institute’s summer 2019 newsletter
Congratulations Kore Chan MS!
McLellan lab graduate student Kore Chan successfully defended his Masters thesis in the blistering MSC heat on July 15th. Kore, pictured here on the Memorial Union Terrace pondering his future, will be joining the School of …
Kazu receives Kenzi Valentyn Vision Research Trainee Grant.
Congratulations Kazuya Oikawa, BVSc, a graduate student in the Comparative Biomedical Science Program who has been named by the McPherson Eye Research Institute as one of two recipients of the 2019 Kenzi Valentyn Vision Research Trainee …
McLellan lab presence strong at Phi Zeta Research day
Well done Kevin Snyder (left) and Jake Nilles (right) for winning top honors in House Officer and Veterinary Student categories with excellent posters!
McLellan Lab study featured in “Dog Update”
Dog owners and breeders can learn more about our efforts to find the genetic cause of glaucoma in Siberian Huskies here
Kudos to our trainees!
2018 ACVO Veterinary Student Award, Sara Adelman 2018 Fight for Sight Summer Student Fellowship, Kore Chan 2018 Boehringer Ingelheim Research Award for Graduate Veterinarians, Andrew Lewin 2018 The Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate student travel award, …
2018 Graduate Student Success
Sara Adelman, a UW-Madison DVM student and MS student in the Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program, successfully defended her MS Thesis entitled “Mapping Retinal Ganglion Cells in a Large-eyed Glaucoma Model” for her work conducted …
McLellan lab secures NIH funding
Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness that results from loss of neurons and glial scarring of the optic nerve. Our goal in this project is to limit damage to the optic nerve by …
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McLellan Lab Publishes in PLoS One
Dr. Gillian McLellan and her collaborators recently published an exciting manuscript in PLoS One entitled “A Mutation in LTBP2 Causes Congenital Glaucoma in Domestic Cats (Felis catus).” Glaucoma is a group of diseases characterized …